Chamada Pública: Senai e 100k Strong Americas (prazo final 15/02/2019)

Edital Descrição Acesso
Divulgação (SENAI-100k strong americas)

The Brazil-U.S. Competition for Innovation & Technological Development is supported through generous contributions from the National Service of Industrial Training (SENAI) and the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Embassy in Brazil. Eligibility & Themes: All higher education institutions in the United States, SENAI Innovation Institutes, and Educational institutions in Brazil are eligible to compete. Partnering institutions must propose an academic exchange and/or training course or program for students in the fields of Information & Communications Technology (ICT), Engineering Technology, and Bio-economics, with a focus on the specific sub-areas listed in the request for proposal (RFP). Special consideration will be given to proposals that include programming that incorporate entrepreneurship skills and training and/or to promote women in science careers.


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