
Unioeste began, in 1994, as the confederacy of municipal Colleges, that were created, in Cascavel (FECIVEL, 1972), Foz do Iguaçu (FACISA, 1979), Marechal Cândido Rondon (FACIMAR, 1980) and Toledo (FACITOL, 1980). In 1998, the municipal College of Francisco Beltrão (FACIBEL) was incorporated into Unioeste. In 2000, the Regional Hospital of Cascavel was transformed into the Western Paraná University Hospital – HUOP and transferred to Unioeste. 

Since 1994, Unioeste has quickly evolved into the most important university of the whole Western and Southwestern region of Paraná. The consolidation and strong expansion of the institution athwart the creation of over 65 graduate programs occurred as the result of the accumulated work in the areas of teaching, research, outreach and innovation through an outstanding performance of our professors, administrative staff, students and managers.

Nowadays, Unioeste concentrates the greatest intellectual capital in the area, with the disposition of a gigantic technological and laboratorial infrastructure to meet the demands of a puissant and dynamic society.

Endereço Reitoria:

R. Universitária, 1619 - Universitário
Cascavel - PR - Brasil
CEP: 85819-110
FONE: (45) 3220-3000

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