Buddy Program

Host and support policy of foreign faculties, researchers and students

The Sponsorship Program for International Students aims to promote the contact between foreign students, faculties, researchers or university employees and the academic community of Unioeste. Thus, the goal is to provide the participants the experience of cultural Exchange and to facilitate adaptation of the visitor.

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Pre Requirements

  1. Unioeste’s community PAAI participant should have at least and intermediary knowledge of the visitor language. It’s also a duty for the sponsor to incentivize the foreign student to learn the local language and culture, aiming to enhances the exchange experience for him or herself.
  2. After being concluded the selection, it will be available a booklet with instructions, as well as it will be marked an orientation meeting, at which should be distributed the demand referent to the project.
  3. The students who participate to the project should receive an attested, proving the hours of activity once they have submitted reports that will be verified with the foreigners who received the support.
  4. Unioeste does not compromises itself with the funding of any activities performed by the project’s participants.
  5. The Buddy Program participant community should serve as example for the foreign student who will be bound to Unioeste at the sponsorship time, noticing ethic and citizenship standards at the social and academic relationships at the university and outside it.
  6. It is a volunteer project, so it's forbidden any kind of charges to the international student. If the sponsor chooses to host the foreign at his own house, all the costs of the foreign student accommodation will be a sponsor responsibility.
  7. All the involved people in the program should follow the disciplinary regulation Nº 046/2008–COU, a set of conduct rules, which should be observed by professors, university employees and Unioeste’s students in the exercise of their activities, as well as the disciplinary penalties applicable in case of these regulation’s disobeying, aiming to secure order, respect and discipline, so the goals of the institution may be fully and efficiently achieved.



To be a Buddy (“Amigo Unioeste”), the interested in hosting a foreign student must be committed to:

  1. Subscribe in the program, with the International Office, signing a responsibility term.
  2. Inform his or her updated address, telephone, e–mail address and any other data required for his or her localization during the period.
  3. Keep in touch with the foreign student before his or her arrival, in order to give him or her information about the Campus, the city and Unioeste.
  4. Helping him or her on the preparation for the trip (be informed about the day and time of arrival and about the place where the foreign student will be hosted).
  5. Welcome the visitor at the moment of arrival at the bus station/airport of his or her Campus.
  6. Help the visitor to accommodate and to do his or her first purchase (indicating the localization of supermarkets, drugstores, bakeries and other useful places).
  7. Guide the foreign student, informing him or her the localization of several campuses of Unioeste, of the library, university restaurant and other tourist attraction of the city.
  8. Inform the visitor about the communication services available (local mobile telephone services), transportation, health and other useful services.
  9. Provide the foreign student information about the documents needed to be in the country.
  10. To accompany the foreign student to the Federal Police to create his or her CPF, as well as to the banks for the account opening if necessary.
  11. To conduct the student to the International Office for presentation and registration.
  12. To present the student to the Graduation Provost (PROGRAD), the respective coordinator of the course and the academic coordination for advices about the courses in which he or she will get enrolled, as well as the procedures he or she should take.
  13. Keep him or herself available to answer doubts of the foreign student, always providing assistance when necessary along all the mobility period.
  14. Keep in touch with the International Office to report the assistance provided and the progress of the student adaptation.
  15. To attend together the foreign student at the International Office, by the end of the mobility period for the experience evaluation and formal closure of his or her project’s participation.

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